Morishita Jintan was founded in 1893. Natural crude drug was extracted and purified into small pills, then wrapped in silver foil as Silver Jintan. In that era the medical environment was not fully established, and Silver Jintan developed this type of easily portable crude drug and the silver foil wrapping technology to preserve crude drugs for a long period of time. It was a favorite of consumers at that time and became the Morishita Jintan standard advertising product.
Inheriting 100 years of guardianship of tradition and insistence on quality, Morishita Jintan continues to innovate in research and development while being inspired by nature’s dew. After more than 20 years of research and development, Morishita Jintan has developed the "seamless capsule technology". This cutting-edge patented technology will protect bifidobacterium and lactic acid bacteria from gastric acid damage and deliver it completely to the intestines. Morishita Jintan's products are strictly manufactured in accordance with the Japan cGMP specifications and have passed strict testing by the SGS; we can guarantee that the Jintan seamless capsule probiotics are safe and free from any burden to your health.
Jintan's Bifina EX
Bifidobacterium + lactic acid bacteria + Oligosaccharides
Patented seamless capsule coated live bacteria through gastric acid
Maintains digestive tract function, ensures smooth bowel movements
One pack contains 10 billion Bifidobacterium + 1 billion lactic acid bacteria + Oligosaccharides
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Jintan's Bifina S
Bifidobacterium + lactic acid bacteria + Oligosaccharides
Patented seamless capsule coated live bacteria through gastric acid
Maintains digestive tract function, ensures smooth bowel movements
One pack contains 5 billion Bifidobacterium + 1 billion lactic acid bacteria + Oligosaccharides
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Jintan's Bifina R
Bifidobacterium + lactic acid bacteria + Oligosaccharides
Patented seamless capsule coated live bacteria through gastric acid
Maintains digestive tract function, ensures smooth bowel movements
One pack contains 2.5 billion Bifidobacterium + 1 billion lactic acid bacteria + Oligosaccharides
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Jintan's Bifina HMC+
Bifidobacterium + lactic acid bacteria + Oligosaccharides
Patented seamless capsule coated live bacteria through gastric acid
Maintains digestive tract function, ensures smooth bowel movements
One pack contains 500 million Bifidobacterium + 500 million lactic acid bacteria + Oligosaccharides
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Jintan's Bifina Fiber Beauty
Fiber smooth formula double-effect in one
Patented natural dietary fiber for slimming with zero burden
Patented acid seamless capsule live bacteria for a smooth day everyday
One pack contains dietary fiber + 1 billion Bifidobacterium + Oligosaccharides
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Jintan's Bifina Vitality
Worry-free seasonal changes
Seamless capsule lactoferrin to resist pepsin damage
Seamless capsule probiotics added to adjust physique
One pack contains dietary fiber + 1.5 billion Bifidobacterium + 2 billion lactic acid bacteria
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Jintan's Blueberry
Anthocyanins + lutein 5 golden compound formula
Nordic wild blueberry extract
Small molecule free lutein for good absorption
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Jintan's Collagen Drink
Japan’s original ultimate luxury collagen essence
5 precious key ingredients added
Each 50ml contains a 12,500mg high concentration collagen
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Jintan's Magic Cool (Mint)
Double layers, double effects, instant good breath in 3 seconds
Outer layer seamless capsule ultra instant effect
Inner layer seamless capsule ultra long lasting
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Jintan's Magic Cool (Raspberry)
Double layers, double effects, instant good breath in 3 seconds
Outer layer seamless capsule ultra instant effect
Inner layer seamless capsule ultra long lasting
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Jintan's Eye Packsheet
New wonder-working magic for lazy beauty care
The best solution for lackluster, finely wrinkled and dry skin
Apply overnight for extended-effect release
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Jintan's Mouse Packsheet
New wonder-working magic for lazy beauty care
The best solution for lackluster, finely wrinkled and dry skin
Apply overnight for extended-effect release
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- 「從根源改變的力量」養出強韌健康頭髮就從照顧髮肌作起
- 日本知名毛髮權威醫師 桑名隆一郎博士研發,
- 三段式養髮科技:調理頭皮、強健髮根、活化毛髮,打造強韌髮力
- 珍貴桑根白素,源自和漢草本精華-桑白皮,能調理頭皮,滋養髮根
- 番石榴葉萃取能提供豐沛營養成分灌注髮根,打好髮底根基,成為養髮源動力
- 柿葉能活化毛髮,維護頭髮健康,再現毛髮蓬鬆感
- 大豆固醇搭配植物固醇,能強化髮質,不怕外界傷害,防止髮絲分岔斷裂
- 安心承諾 無添加重金屬
- 日本製造,添加10種溫和植物來源萃取成分,染髮同時護髮,完美遮蓋白髮同時擁有亮麗秀髮
- 珍貴紫草根,號稱「東方薰衣草」,能調理頭皮,是頭髮健康打底的關鍵成分
- 水解蠶絲搭配水解蛋白,能深層滲入,強化髮質,防止髮絲分叉斷裂,達到更好固色效果
- 昆布、吉野櫻葉等多種植萃成分,具高效保濕因子與多重營養成分,從髮根滋養到髮梢,讓頭髮柔順且富有彈性
- 三重護髮油成分:馬油、橙皮油、向日葵籽油,能在表層形成保護膜,保持頭髮水份不散失,隔絕熱傷害
- 安心承諾:無添加PPD、重金屬、防腐劑
- 日本製造,添加10種溫和植物來源萃取成分,染髮同時護髮,完美遮蓋白髮同時擁有亮麗秀髮
- 珍貴紫草根,號稱「東方薰衣草」,能調理頭皮,是頭髮健康打底的關鍵成分
- 水解蠶絲搭配水解蛋白,能深層滲入,強化髮質,防止髮絲分叉斷裂,達到更好固色效果
- 昆布、吉野櫻葉等多種植萃成分,具高效保濕因子與多重營養成分,從髮根滋養到髮梢,讓頭髮柔順且富有彈性
- 三重護髮油成分:馬油、橙皮油、向日葵籽油,能在表層形成保護膜,保持頭髮水份不散失,隔絕熱傷害
- 安心承諾:無添加PPD、重金屬、防腐劑
- 添加日本古代仕女美妍肌密-米糠萃取物,蘊藏珍貴保濕因子神經醯胺(賽洛美),維持肌膚健康水潤,邊上粧邊保養,讓粧效更持久自然
- 專為東方女性研發,採用創新科技智慧自動調校膚色,利用微細粉體光影折射技術,能提亮膚色與修飾暗沉,完美搭配各種膚色與色調
- 空氣感般輕盈的細緻粉體,一拍瞬間服貼肌膚,打造零粉感的自然粧容。
- 搭配防曬係數SPF20、PA++,減少紫外線傷害
- 添加日本古代仕女美妍肌密-米糠萃取物,蘊藏珍貴保濕因子神經醯胺(賽洛美),維持肌膚健康水潤,邊上粧邊保養,讓粧效更持久自然
- 吉野櫻、香蜂草等13種植萃精華,打造結合保養科技與底粧美學的精華液型粉底液,讓越用越美不再只是表象!
- 專為東方女性研發,採用創新科技智慧自動調校膚色,利用微細粉體光影折射技術,能提亮膚色與修飾暗沉,完美搭配各種膚色與色調
- 柔焦粉體搭配色彩粒子,加上精華液般的延展觸感,極度服貼、高度遮瑕,是遮瑕與粉底二合一完美組合,能創造出質感優雅的細緻粧容,長效保濕力更帶來超優異持粧效果
- 搭配高防曬係數SPF50、PA++++,防禦紫外線傷害
專業校色 完美搭配各種膚色與色調
[日本FINE綠茶咖啡-BCAA PLUS速孅飲]
- 日本知名醫生工藤孝文博士監製
- 綠茶兒茶素加上咖啡綠原酸,雙重促進代謝動能,能調整體質,打造健康體態
- BCAA是健身熱門保健品,能補充身體必須胺基酸,讓身體動起來
- 綠茶融合咖啡,咖啡香中帶有綠茶回甘,口感極佳
- 飯前飲用,更能幫助飲食管理,健康達標!
日本FINE綠茶咖啡-BCAA PLUS強效速孅飲
日本FINE綠茶咖啡-BCAA PLUS強效速孅飲
Cell phones!! The Invisible Killer ~ With the rapid development of mobile communication everywhere in the world, almost everyone has a phone now; however, the advancement of communication has left us ignoring the health crisis caused by electromagnetic radiation. Dr. Igor Smirnov, Ph.D. from the Soviet Union, a bioengineering and clinical laboratory scientist renowned in the world scientific community, has developed a new MRET Shield product with "Molecular Resonance Effect Technology", that was awarded with an "Electromagnetic radiation shielding material and device" patent by the US government. This is different from commercially available products based on reducing or suppressing magnetic waves, this is the Terminator of controlling magnetic wave damage.
MERT Shield (black)
Awarded with the "Electromagnetic radiation shielding material and device" Patent 6369399
Does not affect the receiving & sending of signals by cell phones★
U.S. electromagnetic radiation shielding material
Small size, does not affect appearance
Effective shielding range: 75 cm
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MERT Shield (white)
Awarded with the "Electromagnetic radiation shielding material and device" Patent 6369399
Does not affect the receiving & sending of signals by cell phones★
U.S. electromagnetic radiation shielding material
Small size, does not affect appearance
Effective shielding range: 75 cm
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MERT Shield (round)
Awarded with the "Electromagnetic radiation shielding material and device" Patent 6369399
Does not affect the use of electrical devices
U.S. electromagnetic radiation shielding material
Small size, does not affect appearance
Radiation test report: Effectively reduces absorption
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